
佛罗里达 delegation ramps up push to have 空间力量 based at Cape Canaveral

上个月, U.S. 空间力量 announced six finalists for its headquarters 和 the 佛罗里达 delegation on Capitol Hill is ramping up its push to have it located in the Sunshine State. The 空间力量 is looking at Patrick Air Force Base in 布里瓦德县 as one of the finalists. Other finalists include Kirtl和 Air Force Base 在新墨西哥州, 奥法特空军基地 内布拉斯加州 Peterson Air Force Base 在科罗拉多州, 圣安东尼奥港 在德克萨斯州 红石兵工厂 in Alabama, according to the Air Force. A decision is expected early next year.

Last week, more than 20 members of the 佛罗里达 delegation, led by U.S. 代表. 查理·克里斯特,攻击., 斯蒂芬妮·墨菲,攻击., 比尔波西,弗罗., 迈克尔·华尔兹,弗罗., sent a letter to acting U.S. 国防交会. 克里斯•米勒 和 U.S. 空军组. 芭芭拉·巴雷特 urging them to choose Cape Canaveral.

Other signers of the letter include

U.S. 代表. 格斯Bilirakis,弗罗.,





Alcee Hastings,攻击.,







Debbie Wasserman Schultz,攻击.,




“Patrick Air Force Base 和 its associated Cape Canaveral Air Force Station has earned a global reputation as the world’s premier gateway to space for government 和 commercial customers,他们写道。. “It is also home to the 45th Space Wing, which delivers assured access to space for warfighters.”

“I’m proud of our delegation’s efforts working together to make the case for Space Comm和 总部 to locate in 布里瓦德县, 佛罗里达,波西说。. “Brevard’s strategic location 和 quality of life make it the ideal place for this important national mission to be centered.”

“Floridians have a special connection to space, being home to decades of launches 和 so many chapters in America’s space history. Our state is continuing to lead the way in a new era of space exploration 和 innovation. 佛罗里达’s is the perfect location for U.S. Space Comm和 – 和 I’m very proud to make the strong case to bring SPACECOM to the Space Coast,华尔兹说。.

“I’m proud to co-lead this bipartisan effort by 佛罗里达’s congressional delegation to support 布里瓦德县’s bid,墨菲说。. “Our state is already home to Southern Comm和, Central Comm和, Special Operations Comm和. Given its longst和ing leadership role when it comes to America’s efforts in space, 佛罗里达 would be a natural home for Space Comm和.”

“Space exploration is synonymous with 佛罗里达 和 the Space Coast. With our state’s significant defense infrastructure, robust aerospace industrial base, supportive communities, there’s no better place for Space Comm和 总部 than right here in 佛罗里达,克里斯特说.

Over in the upper chamber, U.S. 森. 马可卢比奥,弗罗., has also been pushing to have the 空间力量 based in 佛罗里达.

“差不多两年了, I have urged the administration to consider 佛罗里达 for the permanent headquarters of USSPACECOM, I am pleased that Patrick AFB has been selected as one of six finalists,” Rubio said last month when 布里瓦德县 was announced as a finalist. “Since President John F. Kennedy first challenged our great nation to be the first to l和 a man on the moon 和 probe the vast unknown of space, every American manned mission to space — Apollo, 航天飞机, the recent successful SpaceX Crew Dragon — launched from 佛罗里达 soil.

“佛罗里达’s Space Coast has been America’s gateway to the stars for decades, 佛罗里达很强健, rapidly growing 和 innovative commercial space industry, in partnership with NASA, is continuing to build off this historic legacy,卢比奥继续说道。. “佛罗里达 is also home to several excellent institutions of higher education with a long history of prioritizing space research 和 innovation, which would be a great asset to USSPACECOM as the 空间力量 grows. 毫无疑问, 佛罗里达 is incredibly well-positioned to be the permanent headquarters of USSPACECOM, I will continue to work with my colleagues to make this a reality.”



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